How to pay your Hughes loan.

Select the appropriate tab below to find the best way to pay your Hughes loan – from another financial institution or from your Hughes checking or savings account. Please note, some payment options may not be available for accounts with a restricted services status.

Make a Loan Payment from Another Financial Institution

External Transfers in Online & Mobile Banking

Log into Hughes online banking or mobile app and add an external (or outside) account. Then schedule an external transfer payment to your Hughes loan.

Use Your Bank/Credit Union's Bill Pay

If you have online banking with Bill Pay at another financial institution, add your Hughes loan as a payee. Be sure to include your six-digit Hughes Account Number and Loan Number.

Automatic Withdrawal from Your Bank/Credit Union Account

Authorize Hughes to automatically withdraw payment from your bank or credit union account every month. A $10.00 set up fee applies. Be sure to have your bank or credit union’s routing and account numbers along with your Hughes member and loan numbers.

At a Hughes Branch

Make a payment at the drive-thru or teller line at one of our branches in the Tucson area.

Mail a Check

Pay your loan by mail with a check and a loan coupon. Mail your payment to:
Hughes Federal Credit Union
PO Box 11900, Tucson, AZ 85734-1900
Send your check at least one week before your payment due date.

At a CO-OP Shared Branch

Make a loan payment in person at one of over 5,000 shared branches in all 50 states.

PayFast – Online or By Phone

In a hurry? Make a loan payment online or by phone at 866-312-4818 with your checking account, Apple Pay, OR with your Visa®, Mastercard®, or Discover® debit card at another financial institution using PayFast / BaconPay. A $4.95 convenience fee applies.

Hughes Credit Card Payment By Phone

Pay your Hughes credit card bill from your checking account at another financial institution by calling 866-820-3941. Visa debit card option is not available at this time. A $4.95 convenience fee applies.

Make a Loan Payment from a Hughes Account

Online Account Transfer

Log into Hughes online banking or mobile app and transfer money from your checking or savings account to your loan. You can even set it up to transfer your payments automatically.

At a Hughes Branch

Make a payment at the drive-thru or teller line at one of our branches in the Tucson area.

At a CO-OP Shared Branch

Make a loan payment in person at one of over 5,000 shared branches in all 50 states.