Share Insurance Coverage Overview

How does the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) protect my money?

The NCUA is the independent federal agency that administers the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. Credit unions that are federally insured by the NCUA offer a safe place for you to save your money, with deposits insured up to $250,000 per individual depositor.

How do I know my money is 100% protected?

FIRST STEP: Know how your accounts are organized, based on type of ownership.
SECOND STEP: Divide your accounts into four ownership categories:
  2. JOINT
  3. TRUST

How do I know my credit union is covered?

Look for the NCUA share insurance sign pictured below or use the NCUA Credit Union Locator on This link will trigger a popup message. to find a federally insured credit union.


Where can I get more information about share insurance?

Visit the NCUA’s YouTube channel This link will trigger a popup message. to access videos on NCUA’s share insurance coverage and how to use the NCUA Share Insurance Estimator This link will trigger a popup message. to calculate your coverage.

Account Ownership TypeExample AccountLess Than $250k AccountGreater Than $250k AccountNotes
1. IndividualSavings, Checking, Money Market – For Self OnlyYou’re covered!Up to $250k protectedTotal amount in combined accounts.
2. JointSavings, Checking, Money Market – Multiple OwnersYou’re covered!Up to $250k protected per ownerAmount per each owner’s interest in joint accounts.
3. TrustFormal or Informal Revocable TrustsYou’re covered!Up to $250k protected per beneficiaryAmount per beneficiary, for each owner. Special rules apply for accounts over $1.25 million.
4. RetirementTraditional/Roth IRA, KeoghYou’re covered!Up to $250k protectedAmount in traditional and Roth IRA accounts added together. Keogh accounts insured separately. Beneficiaries do not change the coverage amount.
5. Not CoveredMutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds, Life Insurance PoliciesYour losses will NOT be covered.Your losses will NOT be covered.The Share Insurance Fund does NOT cover losses on these types of accounts and funds.