Apr 8, 2021

How to Save and Build a Better Future

A young man smiles at a young woman with a school and three friends in the background
The concept of saving isn't hard to understand but actually doing it—especially at a young age—may prove to be a challenge. Learning how to save is an essential step in gaining financial independence and while it can be difficult, it certainly isn’t impossible. With a solid plan and the right tools, you’ll be well on your way to constructing a path towards a prosperous financial future.

Draw Your Blueprint and Set Savings Goals

Before you get to saving, it helps to know what you’re saving for. Your savings goals can be aimed at anything from a new jacket to bigger budget items like a vacation with friends, whatever it is, it’s a good idea to know how much money you’ll need and how long it’ll take you to reach that goal. 

Try setting some achievable short-term goals like saving for a video game or a pair of shoes to get started on saving. Reaching these smaller, fun goals will help you create a habit out of saving and give you the encouragement to keep going towards long-term goals like saving for a down payment on a new car.
Tip: Stay motivated and name your savings account. Hughes Federal Credit Union offers the You Name It Savings account that allows you to name that account whatever you’d like, appearing on your bank statement and accessible via online banking.

Survey Your Income and Expenses

Finding a balance between spending and saving is important to any savings plan. Keeping track of how much you spend and how much you earn will help you figure out how much you can save and even find areas where you can cut costs. If going out with friends is taking up a big portion of your budget, you might want to consider shifting some of that money towards your goals instead.
Tip: Find a budgeting app that works for you. Hughes’ myHUB offers members the ability to track and monitor their finances. The myHUB app categorizes your purchases and provides you with a custom budget to help you stay on track. 

Pick the Right Savings Tools and Start Building 

Now that you have a comprehensive view of your money flow, you’ll want to start building. Knowing where to put your money will help you maximize your funds. Whether you should put your savings into a traditional savings account like Hughes’ Youth Savings Account or a certificate account (also known as a certificate of deposit) depends on your goals. For short-term goals that range from a few months to a year, a traditional savings account would work best as it gives you easy access to your money. Certificate accounts offer higher dividend rates but locks in your money for a specific amount of time known as a term (can range from 6 months to 36 months) which means you won’t be able to access your money until the term has ended.  

Tip: Opening separate bank accounts for savings, bills, and living expenses can help you manage money better and discourage you from reaching into your savings. 

Upkeep and Grow

Monitor your bank accounts and check them every month to make sure your budget and savings plan is working to fit your needs. Remember, even if you can’t save as much as you’d like to, contributing even small amounts like five or ten dollars can help you grow your savings and get you closer to reaching your goals.