Free WiFi is often advertised on cafe and restaurant signs to help you hop on the internet without using up all of your cellular data, but is it safe? Before connecting to your favorite coffee shop network to shop for a new pair of shoes, here’s
what you should know about the risks that come with the convenience of free WiFi and what you can do to stay protected.
Why should I worry about connecting to free public WiFi?
While public WiFi can be a convenient way to connect to the internet, it’s also an easy way for hackers to gain access to your personal information. Hackers create what’s known as “rogue networks,” mimicking the restaurant or business
name and then waiting for unsuspecting victims to hop on. Once connected to the fake network, nearby hackers can see everything you type including addresses, usernames and passwords, credit card information, etc.
Always use networks that use a password to connect. Be suspicious of networks that don’t require a password. If the business displays a sign with the network name and password, be sure to use that specific network. It’s also important to know
that just because you’ve connected to the correct network, doesn’t mean you’re entirely in the clear. You can still fall victim to what is known as a “man-in-the-middle attack.” A MitM attack occurs when a hacker is connected
to the same network and is in close proximity to the user and can easily intercept any data the victim sends through the network.
Tips for staying protected while using public WiFi
- Avoid any web activity that involves sharing personal information like credit card information or social security numbers.
- Use secure websites with HTTPS. Always look for the little padlock on the address bar. The padlock symbol signifies that your data will be scrambled as it travels through the network, making it difficult for hackers to obtain.
- Turn on your computer’s firewall:
For Windows Defender Firewall
- Go to Start and open Control Panel.
- Select System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall.
- Choose Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
- Select Turn on Windows Firewall for domain, private, and public network settings.
- On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Security & Privacy, then click Firewall. If the lock at the bottom left is locked, click it to unlock the preference pane.
- Click Turn On Firewall.
- Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) which will create a secure connection between your computer and the internet. A VPN connects you to a proxy server to mask your online activity.
- Enable 2-factor authentication. Nothing is foolproof and in case your passwords are stolen, it’ll make it more difficult for a hacker to gain access.
- Use your cellular data if you’re connecting online via apps. Because you can’t see the HTTPS symbol on apps, it’s best to use your cellular data.
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