Feb 12, 2024

Financial Planning for Couples: Navigating Your Finances Together

A woman holds up a small toy airplane as she sits at a table with a map and a man takes a photo of her. A
In the journey of love and partnership, merging your financial lives can be as significant as exchanging vows. For many couples, whether you're basking in the glow of newlywed bliss or you’ve been navigating life together for years, the topic of money management can seem less like a romantic stroll and more like a challenging hike. However, with the right approach, financial planning can strengthen your bond and build a solid foundation for your future together. 

Step 1: Lay the Foundation with Open Communication

You wouldn’t start building a house without discussing the blueprint with your partner, right? Managing finances together without open communication is much the same. It’s crucial to start with a candid conversation about your financial histories, beliefs, and goals. Share details about your income, debts, savings, and credit scores. This conversation shouldn’t be a one-time event but an ongoing dialogue that evolves as your relationship and financial situation change.

Actionable Tips:
  • Schedule Regular Money Dates: Make financial check-ins a regular part of your routine. Choose a comfortable, distraction-free setting to discuss your budget, review your goals, and address any financial concerns. 

Step 2: Dream Together with Shared Goals

Setting shared financial goals is the cornerstone of a united financial life. Whether it’s buying a home, traveling the world, or preparing for retirement, these goals provide direction and motivation. But don’t forget to include individual goals within this plan to ensure both partners feel valued and independent.

Actionable Tips:
  • Create a Vision Board: Visualize your goals with images and phrases that represent what you’re working towards. This can be a powerful and fun way to keep motivated.

Step 3: Draft Your Financial Plan

A detailed budget is your financial plan’s melody, guiding your day-to-day spending to achieve those larger goals. Incorporate both fixed expenses (like rent or mortgage payments) and variable expenses (like groceries and entertainment). Consider using budgeting apps like Hughes’ myHUB to track your spending and savings effortlessly.

Actionable Tips:
  • Utilize Digital Tools: Leverage Hughes’ online banking and budgeting tools to set up alerts, track spending, and manage accounts jointly or individually.

Step 4: Harmonize with Joint and Individual Accounts

Deciding whether to merge your finances completely, keep everything separate, or have a combination of both is a personal choice. Many couples find a hybrid approach works best, maintaining individual accounts for personal expenses and a joint account for shared expenses and savings goals.

Actionable Tips:
  • Automate Your Savings: Set up automatic transfers to your savings account(s) right after payday. This "pay yourself first" strategy ensures you're consistently working towards your joint financial goals.

Step 5: Conduct Regular Financial Reviews

Like any good plan, your financial strategy needs regular reviews and adjustments. Life changes, and so will your financial situation and goals. These check-ins are opportunities to celebrate achievements, reassess goals, and adjust your budget as necessary.

Actionable Tips:
  • Annual Financial Health Check-up: Once a year, review your entire financial situation in detail. This includes debts, savings, investments, and insurance. Adjust your financial plan based on any changes in your life or goals. Check out MoneyCoach’s Financial Wellness Assessment to help get you started. 

Step 6: Plan for the Crescendos and Decrescendos

Life is unpredictable. An emergency fund is essential for weathering financial storms without derailing your long-term goals. Start by saving for small emergencies, then build towards covering 3-6 months of living expenses.

Actionable Tips:
  • Start Small: Even saving a small amount from each paycheck can build a significant emergency fund over time. Increase the amount as your financial situation improves.

Step 7: Invest in Your Future Together

Planning for retirement might seem far off, especially for newlyweds, but the earlier you start, the better. Discuss your retirement dreams and how you plan to achieve them. Take advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans, IRAs, and other investment opportunities.

Actionable Tips:
  • Maximize Employer Match: If your employer offers a retirement plan with a matching contribution, make sure you contribute enough to get the full match. It’s essentially free money for your future.

Creating a Symphony of Financial Success

Every couple’s financial journey is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to managing money together. What’s most important is that you’re making these decisions as a team, with love, respect, and a shared vision for the future. 

Need help getting started? No matter the movement you're currently navigating in your financial composition, our experienced CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals are here to co-compose a financial plan that resonates with your life goals.