Oct 14, 2021

Digital Privacy: How to Protect Your Personal Information Online

Two hand hold a smartphone
From cyber thieves to targeted advertising, protecting your online privacy has never been more important. A quick browse for new shoes or ordering a pizza from an app means there’s a chance you’re sharing your information for purposes that you’d rather not participate in, but there are ways to help keep your personal information safe. Here are a few simple steps you can take to keep your info from prying eyes and unknown third parties.

Create a line of defense 

One way to combat an invasion of privacy is to make sure you have plenty of walls up to stop thieves in their tracks. Use the right tools and follow best practices for online safety to help you stop any attempts to steal your information. Make sure that at the very least, you have antivirus software like Bitdefender, Norton 360 or McAfee installed. You can upgrade your defense by subscribing to security software that protects you against spyware (when thieves mine for your personal information) and ransomware (encrypts your files and holds them “hostage” until you pay money to restore your access).

One of the best ways to stay secure for free is to use a password manager that allows you to create strong passwords and syncs between your computer and phone. Add an extra layer of security and use two-step authentication whenever possible. 

Make your web browsing private

Thieves and scammers aren’t the only ones looking to gather your personal information. Your online activity is tracked by companies and other third parties to “define” you. Everything from your household income to your location and shopping behaviors is all used by big companies for advertising purposes. While it may not sound as bad as theft, it may reveal a lot more than you’d probably like to share with anyone. Here are a few tips on how to go more private:
  • Limit Ad Tracking on Safari for iOS: Tap Settings and look for the Safari browser then scroll down to Privacy & Security. Toggle the Prevent Cross-Site Tracking button to ON and this will prevent advertisers and other third-party content providers from tracking you across the internet.

For Android: Go to Settings and look for the Google app, then select Ads. Toggle on Opt-out of ads personalization.

  • Use HTTPS Everywhere: This browser extension automatically directs you to the secure version of a site (if the site supports a secure version) helping you make it a lot more difficult for thieves to get your information especially if you’re using public wifi. 
  • Use incognito mode or a private browser on your phone. Most mobile app browsers feature an anonymous or incognito mode. 
  • Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) like ExpressVPN, Surfshark or NordVPN. VPNs create a private network using public a internet connection while hiding your IP address, making your online activity untraceable. 

Update your software for security updates

While most operating systems update automatically, you’ll want to make sure you actually have that option enabled. Whether you’re using Windows, macOS or Chrome OS, take a moment to double-check that auto updates are set for your operating system of choice: Windows, macOS, or Chrome OS.

Be wary of suspicious downloads

From downloading apps to browser extensions, they all most likely harvest your data which poses a privacy and security risk. Stick to downloading programs and browser extensions directly from their makers and official app stores like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

Check the privacy permissions on your apps

You’ve probably encountered a popup message when you download a new app with a request to track your location and other information. You may have allowed it to track you but does your Candy Crush app really need to know where you are at all times? Disable permissions where they don’t make sense and remember to think about app permissions as you install new software.

Secure your phone

The phone has evolved to be more than just a communication tool. It holds a lot of personal information like bank accounts, home addresses, and more. The last thing you want is for your phone to land in the wrong hands. Keep your phone protected and use a strong password or set up the biometric feature to unlock your phone. Be sure you can find your lost phone and set up your phone’s remote-tracking feature. This will allow you to view your phone’s location and remotely wipe it if you’re unable to get the phone back. 

Use caution all around

It’s important to stay vigilant while online whether it’s viewing emails or commenting on a friend’s post on social media. Thieves and scammers are always looking for a slip-up to take advantage of so if you’re not careful, you could fall victim. 
Email tips:
  • Be suspicious of links. Pay attention to the sender, the content of the email, and any typos or bad grammar. Never click on a link you think is unsafe.
  • Keep your email private and use a “burner” email to use for shopping and other online activity.
Social media tips: 
  • Keep your profile private.
  • Don’t share anything you wouldn’t want getting out. 
  • Be cautious with links and always double-check the sources.
For more information on how to stay safe online, visit our Fraud Protection page.