Jun 1, 2017

4 Tips to Help You Land a Summer Job

how to land a summer job

The temps are reaching 100 degrees and that means it's summertime in the desert! For some it's also time to start planning trips, camps and summer jobs.

Schools are closed for the season, so it's wise to start thinking about summer work. Try these four tips to jumpstart your job search.

Ask friends and family

Disrupt the lengthy hiring process of most big employers by going after small business. Where better to get your foot in the door than with someone you already know? Ask friends and family if they need help with their businesses.

Parents, too, can help search. They might ask about summer or seasonal positions at their own workplaces. But, even if your friends and family can’t connect you directly to employment, let them know you’re looking. If you’ve got a friend of the family you’re close to, ask if they’ll serve as a reference, because a good reference can really boost a short resume!

Think seasonal

If you only want to work during your vacation, look for a seasonal job. Fortunately, such jobs are common in the summertime. If you live near a major tourist attraction, or a traveling festival comes anywhere near you this summer, they’ll likely be bringing in extra hands during these months, as will nearby restaurants and shopping centers.

Other businesses, like construction firms and lawn-care services, do booming trade during the summer and will need extra hires. City park districts step up their programming to serve kids who are also out of school and may also be looking for extra workers.

Hit the pavement

It’s convenient to do all your job searching from the computer, but it doesn’t do much to showcase you to potential employers. Remember that most employers are looking for someone who will show up regularly and be presentable. Putting on your dress clothes and hitting the streets with a resume shows responsibility and drive. That’s something no online resume can convey.

Make a plan for the paychecks

Getting that first paycheck can be an exhilarating experience – and a very short-lived one. It’s too easy for that hard-earned money to disappear. Making a plan can keep you on track. Decide how much you’ll save and for what purpose. How much will you save for new clothes in the fall? What will help cover college expenses? Don’t forget to leave yourself a little fun money, too.

Once you’ve made the plan, Hughes Federal Credit Union can help you stick to it. Youth savings accounts are perfect for people in your position. They offer competitive dividend rates combined with other features that make them ideal for those summer checks. Call, click, or stop by Hughes to find out how a youth savings account can improve your financial future.
