5 Accessories to Up Your Smartphone Game

Jul 24, 2018, 13:35 PM

Your phone is basically a mini production studio! Find out how just a few accessories can help elevate your smartphone game to the next level.

Let’s face it —our smartphones rarely leave our hands. When we’re not scrolling through our social timelines, we’re out snapping photos and capturing video to share with our friends and family. The smartphone was created to make life a little easier, allowing us to spend more time making memories, so why not make those memories as brilliant as they can be? Check out these five accessories that are sure to elevate your phone and impress your social followers. 

Lens Kit

While your camera can capture great selfies or group photos, it could be better at fitting the whole picture. Getting that perfect wide angle shot of the Chiricahua Mountains is possible with a wide-angle lens attachment like the one pictured. While some lenses can get expensive, you can find some quality clips and attachments that start around $14.99.


There’s nothing worse than capturing a special moment like your baby’s first steps only to see it ruined by shaky or blurry footage. Avoid that by getting a stabilizer for your phone. A stabilizer will help keep the camera steady as you move toward or away from your subject, giving you that professional videographer look.

LED Lights

Sometimes, all that stands between you and the perfect selfie is lighting. Avoid having to retake those group selfies at night by adding a flash LED light or a selfie ring light to your smartphone. 

Smartphone Projector

You’ve produced an awesome travel video from your last tip to Mexico and now it’s time to share. Instead of all your friends and family hovering around your phone, why not project your masterpiece onto your wall and make it a movie night? 

Portable Charger

We’ve all been there. You reach for your phone to send that important text or email when you notice that your phone is dead and better yet, there are no outlets in sight. Avoid “low battery anxiety” by getting yourself a portable charger.